What are Real Assets

Real Assets are physical assets that have value due to their substance and properties.

  • Real Assets form the foundations of the global economy
  • Our sectors: Infrastructure & Industrial Real Estate
  • Physical | Tangible | Stable
  • Perpetual cashflows | Strong value appreciation
  • Capital intensive requirements, providing a natural barrier to entry

$49 trillion US Dollars in Infrastructure to be spent by 2030


Real Assets will comprise 30% of private investment portfoliosby 2030


The Spearhead global mandateencompasses12 carefully screened markets

  • $49 trillion in infrastructure to be spent by 2030 *
  • “Hiding in plain sight”
  • Wall Street’s “hottest” product in 2016
  • Comprises 5-10% of private investment portfolios as of today, and will comprise 30% of private investment portfolios by 2030 **

*    According to the McKinsey Global Institute report “Bridging Global Infrastructure Gaps”
**  According to the Global Impact Investing Network report “The Financial Performance of Real Assets Impact Investments”